Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
SNMP Commands
snmp-server enable traps optical monitor min-severity
To enable SNMP trap notifications defined in optical monitor MIB with the minimum severity threshold,
use the snmp-server enable traps optical monitor min-severity command. T o di sable this fe ature, us e
the no form of the command.
snmp-server enable traps optical monitor min-severity {critical | major | minor | not-alarmed}
no snmp-server enable traps optical monitor min-severity {critical | major | minor |
Syntax Description
Defaults Disabled
Command Modes Global configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use this command to enable the SNMP trap notifications defined in the optical monitor MIB
The snmp-server enable traps optical monitor min-severity c ommand is used in conjunction with the
snmp-server host command. For a host to receive SNMP trap notifications for patch connection activity,
the snmp-server enable traps optical monitor mi n-s everit y command and the snmp-server ho st
command for that host must be enabled.
Examples The following example shows how to enable SNMP tr ap no t ificati ons fo r ma jor an d cr iti cal opti cal
monitor trap activity.
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# snmp-server enable traps optical monitor min-severity major.
Related Commands
critical Enables trap notifications for critical optical monitor alarms.
major Enables trap notifications for major optical monitor alarms.
minor Enables trap notifications for minor optical monitor alarms.
not-alarmed Enables trap notifications for optical monitor events.
Release Modification
12.1(10)EV2 This command was introduced.
Command Description
patch Configures patch connections.
show patch Displays patch connection information.