Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
CPU Switch Module Redundancy Commands
show redundancy clients
To display a list of internal redundancy clients, use the show redundancy clients command.
show redundancy clients
Syntax Description This command has no other arguments or keywords.
Defaults None
Command Modes EXEC and privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use this command to display information about the software subsystems that are clients of the
platform-independent RF (Redundancy Facility) subsystem. Subsystems tha t ne ed to syn chron ize
information from the active CPU switch module to the standby CPU switch module (or vice versa) are
registered as clients of the RF.
This client information can be used to debug redundancy software.
Examples The following example shows how to display a list of internal redunda ncy cl ien ts. (See Ta ble A- 29 for
field descriptions.)
Switch# show redundancy clients
clientID = 0 clientSeq = 0 RF_INTERNAL_MSG
clientID = 6 clientSeq = 16 OIR Client
clientID = 17 clientSeq = 40 CPU Redundancy
clientID = 19 clientSeq = 9999 RF_LAST_CLIENT
Release Modification
12.1(10)EV2 This command was introduced.
TableA-29 show redundancy clients Field Descriptions
Field Description
clientID Shows the ID of the redundant client.
clientSeq Shows the client notification sequence number.
Client sequence numbers determine the order in which a client is
notified of RF events, relative to other clients. There are cases where
one client must be notified before another. This should be noted when
the sequence number is defined. The lower sequence numbers are
notified first.
RF_INTERNAL_MSG Shows the RF first client, which is part of the RF subsystem and is
necessary for its operation.