Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EV2
Chapter10 Managing Your Cisco ONS 15530 System
Accessing System Images on TFTP Servers
Note You cannot use the IP address on the fastethernet-sby 0 interface for Telnet sessions or for network
management system sessions.
For more information on booting system images, refer to the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals
Configuration Guide.
The following example shows how to configure the Cisco ONS 15530 to automatically boot using a
system image located on a TFTP server.
Switch> enable
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# boot system tftp ons15530-i-mz.1
Switch(config)# config-register 0x2102
Switch(config)# interface fastethernet 0
Switch(config-if)# ip address
Switch(config-if)# speed 100
Switch(config-if)# duplex full
Switch(config-if)# exit
Switch(config)# interface fastethernet-sby 0
Switch(config-if)# ip address
Switch(config-if)# speed 100
Switch(config-if)# duplex full
Switch(config-if)# end
Switch# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config
Switch# reboot
Step11 Switch(config-if)# speed {10 | 100 | auto} Specifies the transmission speed. The default is auto
Note The speed must be the same as the speed
configured on the NME interface on the active
CPU switch module for processor switchovers
to succeed.
Step12 Switch(config-if)# duplex {auto | full | half} Specifies the duplex mode. The default is auto
Note The duplex mode must be the same as the
duplex mode configured on the NME interface
on the active CPU switch module for processor
switchovers to succeed.
Step13 Switch(config-if)# end
Exits interface configuration mode.
Step14 Switch# copy system:running-config
nvram:startup-config Saves the configuration to NVRAM.
Step15 Switch# reload Reboots the system.
1. This is the default configuration register setting. For details on using the configuration register to set boot parameters, refer to
the “Initial Configuration” chapter.
Command Purpose