Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
CPU Switch Module Redundancy Commands
Related Commands
TableA-30 show redundancy counters Field Descriptions
Field Description
comm link up Shows how many communications links are up.
comm link down down Shows how many communications links are down.
invalid client tx Shows the number of invalid client transmissions.
null tx by client Shows the number of null transmissions by the client.
tx failures Shows the number of transmission failures.
tx msg length invalid Shows the number of transmission messages with invalid lengths.
client not rxing msgs Shows that the client is not receiving event messages.
rx peer msg routing errors Shows errors occurring in the RF application. This usually indicates a
software problem.
null peer msg rx Shows that the interprocess communication (IPC) has sent an empty
message to the RF application. This usually indicates a software
errored peer msg rx Shows an IPC error when an RF message was received. This usually
indicates a software problem.
buffers tx Shows the number of internal buffers acquired for sending RF
tx buffers unavailable Shows the number of times internal buffers for sending RF messages
were not available due to the high volume of messages being sent. This
usually indicates a software problem.
buffers rx Shows the number of buffers released back to the internal buffer pool.
buffer release errors Shows errors in releasing internal buffers.
duplicate client registers Shows that an application has been registered with the RF more than
once. This usually indicates a software problem.
failed to register client Shows that the system was unable to register an RF client application
due to low memory or a software problem.
Invalid client syncs Shows an internal software problem in the RF.
Command Description
redundancy Switches to redundancy configuration mode.
redundancy manual-sync Causes an immediate one-time update of the specified database.
redundancy reload peer Reloads the standby CPU switch module.
redundancy reload shelf Reloads both redundant CPU switch modules in the shelf.
redundancy switch-activity Manually switches activity from the active CPU switch module to the
current standby CPU switch module.
show redundancy Displays CPU switch module redundancy status and configuration