Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
APS Commands
aps direction
To specify unidirectional or bidirectional path switching, use the apsdirection command. To revert to
the default behavior, use the no form of this command.
aps direction {unidirectional | bidirectional}
no aps direction
Syntax Description
Defaults Unidirectional
Command Modes APS configuration
Usage Guidelines I n unidir ect io nal path switchin g, only the node that detects a signal fail ur e switches o v er to the standb y
signal. The other node continues to receive its signal on the original path. In bidirec tional path switching,
when a node detects a signal failure it sends a message t o th e othe r node ab out th e failure causi ng tha t
node switches over. Both nodes then use the same path through the network.
Use the aps direction command only with splitter and y-cable line card protection configu rations. Client
line card protection handles switchovers in the client equipment, not in the CiscoONS 15530.
When using bidirectional path switching, always configure the nodes so that they communicate ov er the
same working path and the same protection path. Also, configure both nodes that support the channe l
with the same APS features, such as y-cable support, revertive behavior, and path switching.
Before changing the type of path switching, disable the standby interface with the shutdown command.
After changing the type of path switching, reenable the standby interface with the no shutdown
Note Bidirectional path switching only operates on networks that support the OSC (Optical Supervis ory
Note Configure bidirectional path switching on interfaces configured with Sysplex ETR or Sysplex CLO
protocol encapsulation.
unidirectional Specifies unidirectional path switching.
bidirectional Specifies bidirectional path switching.