Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
APS Commands
aps timer wait-to-restore
To modify the number of seconds on the APS wait-to-restore timer before reverting to the preferred
working signal in a y-cable protection configuration, use the aps timer wait-to-restore command. To
return to the default value, use the noform of this comm and.
aps timer wait-to-restore seconds
no aps timer wait-to-restore
Syntax Description
Defaults 300 seconds
Command Modes APS configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines This command prevents oscillations when revertive switching is configured for y-cable protected and
splitter protected configurations. If the preferred working signal is unstable, the wait-to-restore timer
prevents possible data loss that could result from frequent switchovers.
Caution Setting the wait-to-restore timer interval to 0seconds disables the timer.
Note The default value for the wait-to-restore timer is sufficient for most network configurations.
Examples The following example shows how to modify the APS wait-to-restore timer.
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# redundancy
Switch(config-red)# associate group newyork
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps disable
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps timer wait-to-restore 180
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps enable
seconds Specifies the number of seconds the system must wait before switching to
the preferred working signal. The range is 0to 720 seconds.
Release Modification
12.1(10)EV2 This command was introduced.