Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
Interface Configuration Commands
cdl enable
To enable in-band message channel functionality on an interface, use the cdl ena ble comm and. To
disable in-band message channel functionality, use the no form of this command.
cdl enable
no cdl enable
Syntax Description This command has no other arguments or keywords.
Defaults Enabled
Command Modes Interface configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines Enable the in-band message channel on both interfaces supporting the signal.
Examples The following example shows how to enable in -ba nd m ess age c ha nn el on an int erfac e .
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# interface esconphy 10/0/0
Switch(config-if)# cdl enable
Related Commands
Release Modification
12.1(10)EV2 This command was introduced.
Command Description
cdl defect-indication force
hop-endpoint Configures an interface as an end-of-hop.
cdl flow identifier Specifies the in-band message channel flow identifier value.
debug cdl defect-indication Initiates debugging of the defect indication on in-band message
channel capable interfaces.
show cdl defect-indication Displays defect indication information on in-band message channel
capable interfaces.
show interfaces Displays interface information.