Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
OSCP Commands
show oscp interface
To display OSCP (Optical Superv isor y Chann el Pro tocol ) stat us info rmat ion for the OSC i nter faces , use
the show oscp interface command.
show oscp interface [wave slot/subcard]
Syntax Description
Defaults Displays OSCP status information for all OSC wave interfaces in the system.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use this command to display status information for the local and remote interfaces running OSCP.
Examples The following example shows how to display status information for the local and remote interfaces
running OSCP. (See Table A -23 for field descriptions. )
Switch# show oscp interface wave 3/0
Codes: Bndl - bundling identifier, Pri - OSCP selection priority
OSCP - dedicated wavelength channel, CDL - in-band wavelength channel
OSCP Interface(s)
Local Port Port ID Type Status OSCP St Bndl Pri Rem Port ID Rem Node Id
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wave3/0 1000000 OSCP Active 2way 0 0 1000000 0000.1644.28fb
wave slot Specifies an OSC wave interface.
Release Modification
12.1(10)EV2 This command was introduced.
TableA-23 show oscp interface Field Descriptions
Field Description
Local Port Shows the local port for the OSCP interface.
Port ID Shows the port ID for the local port.
Type Shows the channel link type, either OSCP or in-band message channel.
Status Shows the local port status (active or standby).