Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
Debug Commands
debug topology
To enable topology neighbor debugging, use the debug topology command.
To disable debugging for redundancy operations, use the no form of this com ma nd.
debug topology {ehsa | errors | fsm | kpa | msg | progression | status | timer}
no debug topology {ehsa | errors | fsm | kpa | msg | progression | status | timer}
Syntax Description
Defaults None
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use this command to activate topology neighbor debugging.
Examples The following example shows how to enable topology debugging.
Switch# debug topology
Related Commands
ehsa Enables debugging for early software initialization suspend points
associated with EHSA (enhanced high system availability).
errors Enables debugging for redundancy internal software error conditions.
fsm Enables debugging for redundancy finite state machine transition events.
kpa Enables debugging for redundancy keepalive messaging events.
msg Enables debugging for general redundancy messaging software.
progression Enables debugging for redundancy internal state progression software.
status Enables debugging for redundancy internal status notification software.
timer Enables debugging for redundancy internal timers.
Release Modification
12.1(10)EV2 This command was introduced.
Command Description
debug aps Enables debugging of APS and APS Channel Protocol activity.
debug cpu Enables debugging of IPC initialization and switchover events.
debug diag online Enables debugging of the online diagnostics.
debug driver voa Enables debugging of OSCP activity.