Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EV2
Chapter4 Configuring ESCON Signal Aggr egation
Configuring Alarm Thresholds
Configuring Alarm Thresholds
To configure alarm thresholds on ESCON multiplexing line card, 10-Gbps ITU trunk card, and 10-GE
uplink interfaces, perform the following steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
Note Only one threshold list can be associated with the interfaces on an ESCON multiplexing line card.
Table 4 -1 lists the threshold error rates in e rrors pe r seco nd for ES CON sign als.
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# threshold-list name
Creates or selects the threshold list to configure and
enters threshold list configuration mode.
Step2 Switch(config-t-list)# notification-throttle
timer seconds Configures the SNMP notification timer. The default
value is 5 seconds. (Optional)
Step3 Switch(config-t-list)# threshold name
{8b10b cvrd | cdl hec | crc} {failure |
degrade} [index value]
Specifies a threshold type to modify and enters
threshold configuration mode.
Step4 Switch(config-threshold)# value rate value Specifies the threshold rate value. This value is the
negative power of 10 (10-n).
Step5 Switch(config-threshold)# description text Specifies a description of the threshold. The default
value is the null string. (Optional)
Step6 Switch(config-threshold)# exit
Returns to threshold list configuration mode.
Repeat Step 3 through Step 6 to configure more
thresholds in the threshold list.
Step7 Switch(config-t-list)# exit
Returns to global configuration mode.
Step8 Switch(config)# interface interface
Selects the interface to configure and enters interface
configuration mode.
Step9 Switch(config-if)# threshold-group name Configures the threshold list on the interface.
Table4-1 Threshold Values for Monitored Rates for ESCON Signals (Errors Per Second)
10 Gigabit
Ethernet CVRD
10 Gigabit
3 19999 20000 12,443,900 6512
4 19999 20000 1,249,438 665
5 1999 2000 124,944 67
6 199 200 10,312 7
7 20 20 1031 0.7