Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
APS Commands
The following example shows how to display APS summary information. (See Ta ble A- 2 for field
Switch# show aps
AR :APS Role, Wk:Working, Pr:Protection
AS :APS State, Ac:Active, St:Standby
IS :Interface State, Up:Up, Dn:Down
MPL:Minimum Protection Level, SD:Signal Degrade, SF:Signal Failure
LOL:Loss of Light, - not currently protected
Interface AR AS IS MPL Redundant Intf Group Name
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wavepatch8/0/0 Wk Ac Up LOL Wavepatch8/0/1 w
Wavepatch8/0/1 Pr St Up - Wavepatch8/0/0 w
Related Commands
TableA-2 show aps summary Field Descriptions
Field Description
Interface Shows the name of the interface.
AR (APS Role) Shows the configured role for the interface, either Wk
(working) or Pr (protection). Working and protection are
preferred roles configured by the associate interface command
and the associate group command.
AS (APS State) Shows the APS state, either Ac (active) or St (standby). The
interface currently chosen by the system to receive the ch an ne l
signal is the active interface; the other interface in the
associated pair is the standby.
IS (Interface State) Shows the interface state, either Up (up) or Dn (down).
MPL (Minimum Protection Level) Shows the minimum protection level for signal switchover.
Valid values are:
SD (signal degrade)
SF (signal failure)
LOL (loss of light)
- (not currently protected)
Redundant Intf (Interface) Shows the other interface in the APS group.
Group Name Shows the APS group name for the interface.
Command Description
aps direction Specifies unidirectional or bidirectional path switching.
aps disable Disables APS activity between associated interfaces.
aps enable Enables APS activity between associated interfaces.
apslockout Configures APS lockout on a protection interface.
aps revertive Configures revertive APS for y-cable line card protection.
apsswitch Causes a manual switchover from the working interface to the
protection interface or vice versa.
aps timer message holddown Modifies the APS Channel Protocol message holddown timer
interval and message count value.