Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
Interface Configuration Commands
To configure the signal cross connections through the switch fabric, use the connect command. To
remove the cross connection configuration, use the no form of the command.
connect interface1 interface2 [override]
no connect interface1 interface2
Syntax Description
Defaults None
Command Modes Global configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use this command to configure cross connections through the switch fabric.
To change the cross-connect state from protection to provisioned, use the override option with the
connect command.When one of the interfaces specified in the connect command is APS protected, only
one of the interfaces is specified in the connect command, but both are automatically included in the
cross-connect installed in the switch fabric.
This option is useful for migration scenarios, when moving the APS pro tec tio n to differe nt i nte rface s
without taking a data hit.
Valid cross connections between modules are:
Portgroup interface on an ESCON (Enterprise Systems Connectivity) multiplexing line card to
waveethernetphy subinterface on a 10-Gbps ITU trunk card
portgroup slot1/subcard1/port waveethernetphy slot2/subcard2.subinterface
Portgroup interface on an ESCON multiplexing line card to tengigethernetphy subinterface on a
10-GE uplink card
portgroup slot1/subcard1/port tengigethernetphy slot2/subcard2.subinterface
You cannot preconfigure a cross connection. The interfaces must exist on the shelf before configuring
The order of the interfaces in the command does not affect the cross co nnect configuration. For example,
configuring a cross connect with the command connect portgroup 1/0/0 waveethernetphy2/0.1 is
equivalent to configuring a cross connect with connect waveethernetphy2/0.1 portgroup 1/0/0.
interface1 interface2 Specifies the interfaces to be cross connected. See the Usage Guidelines
section for valid interface types.
override Changes the cross connect state from protection to provisioned.
Release Modification
12.1(10)EV2 This command was introduced.