Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
Topology Neighbor Commands
topology neighbor cdp
To enable CDP topology discovery on a wdm interface, use the topology neighbor cdp command. To
disable CDP topology discovery on the interface, use the no form of the command or the to pol ogy
neighbor disable command.
topology neighbor cdp [proxy interface]
no topology neighbor cdp [proxy interface]
Syntax Description
Defaults Topology discovery enabled
The OSC wave interface patched to the oscfilter interface on the same OADM as the wdm interface is
the default proxy interface.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines CDP dynamically adds wdm interfaces to and removes wdm interfaces from the network topology. For
CDP discovery to function properly, the OSC or in-band message channel, and CDP must be present and
configured on the system. Use the proxy option to specific either an OSC wave interface or an
ethernetdcc interface on a 10-Gbps ITU trunk card or 10-GE uplink card. These types of inter faces are
capable of learning the topology using CDP.
You can use the topology neighbor command to statically add a wdm interface to the netw ork to pology,
but you must first disable CDP on the interface. To configure a transparent interface as part of the
network topology, use the topology neighbor command.
Note To use the default proxy interface, you must correctly configure the patch connections between the
OADM modules and the OSC modules using the patch command. Otherwise, CDP cannot locate the
OSC wave interfaces that connect to the trunk fiber and discover the top ology ne ighb ors.
Examples The following example shows how to enable CD P on a wd m i nt e rface .
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# interface wdm 0/0
Switch(config-if)# topology neighbor cdp proxy wave 2/0
proxy interface Specifies the interface capable of learning the topology to use as a proxy
for CDP. Only OSC wave interf aces and e thernetdcc interfaces can be u sed
as proxy interfaces.
Release Modification
12.1(10)EV2 This command was introduced.