Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
APS Commands
aps timer switchover-enable min-interval
To modify the minimum time interval between successive APS switchovers, use the aps timer
switchover min-interval command. To revert to the default value, use the no form of this command.
aps timer switchover-enable min-interval seconds
no aps timer switchover-enable min-interval
Syntax Description
Defaults 2 seconds
Command Modes APS configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines Ha rdware-assiste d automatic switcho vers when the acti ve signal fails are controlle d by the softwar e. An
automatic switchover occurs when the system detects a signal failure or signal degradation. Automatic
switchovers are disabled until the switchover timer expires. The swi tchov er timer starts u pon completion
of the automatic switchover. When the timer expires, the system will allow automatic switchovers only
under favorable conditions. Conditions that would prevent the system from enabling automatic
switchovers include:
Loss of light on the protection signal
Lockout request on the protection interface, either locally or o n th e remo te syst em su ppo rt ing the
Forced protection-to-working request in effect, either locally or on the remote system suppor ting the
Poor quality of the protection signal
When the condition is resolved, hardware-assisted automatic switchovers are enabled.
The switchover timer prevents successive automatic switchovers fr om occurring too qu ickly and risk the
loss of data.
Note The default value for the switchover timer is sufficient for most network configurations.
seconds Specifies the minimum number of seconds between successive switchovers.
The range is 1to 120 seconds.
Release Modification
12.1(10)EV2 This command was introduced.