Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EV2
Chapter10 Managing Your Cisco ONS 155 30 System
Using Flash Memory
The squeeze command permanently removes files marked for deletion, and pushes all the other
undeleted files together to eliminate spaces between them. To prevent data loss due to sudden po wer loss,
the “squeezed” data is temporarily saved to another location in bootflash memory. The squeeze
command keeps a log of the functions performed so that if a power failure occurs, the system continues
the process when the power resumes.
Caution When deleting files from memory, be careful not to delete all the system images. If you delete all
existing system images, you can no longer boot the system from local memory.
For an example of using the delete and squeeze commands, see the “Updating with Hot-Standby
Compatible System Images” section on page10-15.
Copying a System Image from a TFTP Server to Flash MemoryYou can copy system image files from a TFTP server to Flash memory for use in booting the
Cisco ONS 15530 or for backup purposes. If the system image on interna l Fl ash m em ory b ec omes
corrupted, you can replace the system software by copying the ba ck up syst em im age fr om t he
CompactFlash card to the onboard Flash memory.
To create a backup of the system software on a TFTP server, perform the following steps:
The following example shows how to copy a system image file from the default TFTP server to the
CompactFlash card:
Switch# copy tftp: disk0:
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename []? ons15530-i-mz
Destination filename [ons15530-i-mz]? y
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch# show {bootflash: | disk0: |
sby-disk0:}Displays the contents of the specified Flash memory device,
including the amount of free space that is available.
If enough free space is available, skip to Step 4
Step2 Switch# delete {bootflash: | disk0:
| sby-disk0:} filename Deletes an old file to make room for the new file.
Step3 Switch# squeeze bootflash: Recovers the space used by the files marked as deleted on
onboard Flash memory. This command is not necessary for
CompactFlash cards.
Step4 Switch# copy tftp: {bootflash: |
disk0: | sby-disk0:}Copies a file from a TFTP server to a Flash memory device.