Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
Debug Commands
debug cdl defect-indication
To enable debugging for the in-band message channel, use the debug cdl defect-indication command.
To disable debugging for online diagnostics, use the no form of this command.
debug cdl defect-indication {error | events | periodic}
no debug cdl defect-indication {error | events | periodic}
Syntax Description
Defaults Disabled
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use this command to enable debugging for the message channel.
To turn off all debugging, use the no debug cm command.
Examples The following example shows how to enable debugging of backgroun d te sts f or the m essag e ch an nel.
Switch# debug cm
Related Commands
error Enables debugging for in-band message channel error conditions.
events Enables debugging for in-band message channel internal software event
periodic Enables debugging for in-band message channel periodic events.
Release Modification
12.1(10)EV2 This command was introduced.
Command Description
diag online Enables online diagnostics for the system.
diag online slot Enables online diagnostics for a specified slot number.