Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
CPU Switch Module Redundancy Commands
show redundancy counters
To display internal redundancy software counters, use the show redundancy counters command.
show redundancy counters
Syntax Description This command has no other arguments or keywords
Defaults None
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use this command to display internal redundancy software counter information, which can be used to
debug redundancy software.
Examples The following example shows how to display internal redundancy soft ware c ounte r info rm ati on. ( See
Table A -30 for field descriptions.)
Switch# show redundancy counters
Redundancy Facility OMs
comm link up = 1
comm link down down = 0
invalid client tx = 0
null tx by client = 0
tx failures = 0
tx msg length invalid = 0
client not rxing msgs = 0
rx peer msg routing errors = 0
null peer msg rx = 0
errored peer msg rx = 0
buffers tx = 656
tx buffers unavailable = 0
buffers rx = 1302
buffer release errors = 0
duplicate client registers = 0
failed to register client = 0
Invalid client syncs = 0
Release Modification
12.1(10)EV2 This command was introduced.