Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EV2
This preface describes the audience, organization, and conventions for the Cisco ONS 15530
Configuration Guide and Command Reference, and provides information on how to obtain related


This publication is intended for experienced network administrator s who are responsible for configuring
and maintaining the Cisco ONS 15530.


This guide is organized as follows:
Chapter Title Description
Chapter 1 Product Overview Provides an overview of the Cisco ONS 15530
features and functions.
Chapter 2 Before You Begin Describes basic information about the
Cisco ONS 15530 CLI interface, IOS mode and
naming conventions.
Chapter 3 Initial Configuration Describes the initial configuration of the
Cisco ONS 15530.
Chapter 4 Configuring ESCON Signal
Aggregation Describes how to configure ESCON interfaces and
patch connections.
Chapter 5 Configuring Transponder Line
Card Interfaces Describes how to configure transponder interfaces
and patch connections.
Chapter 6 Configuring VOA Module
Interfaces Describes how to configure PB-OE modules and
WB-VOA modules for signal attenuation.
Chapter 7 Configuring APS Describes how to configure signal protection on
Cisco ONS 15530 systems and networks.
Chapter 8 Configuring Multiple Shelf
Nodes Describes how to configure a network node with
multiple Cisco ONS 15530 shelves supporting more
than four channels with line card protection.