Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
Interface Configuration Commands
Examples The following example shows how to display hardware register information ab out a tra nspare nt
interface. (See Table A -11 for field descriptions.)
Switch# show controllers transparent 3/0/0
Controller info for Transparent interface Transparent3/0/0
LRC start addr = 0x200000
hardware port = 1
RCI0 monitor................:enabled
port 1 intr SRC/CPU.........:enabled
CPU0 MSB MAC................:0x0
CPU0 LSB MAC................:0x0
CPU1 MSB MAC................:0x0
CPU1 LSB MAC................:0x0
port error register.........:0x10000
port ctrl msg intf mask.....:0x0
port APS port fail mask.....:0x0
HuJr start addr = 0x240000
Optics control and status:
LSC indication..............:ok
trunk laser failure alarm...:clear
LSC indication enable.......:disabled
trunk laser alarm enable....:disabled
line transceiver mode.......:non pluggable
loss of light...............:yes
trunk laser deviation alarm.:clear
quick shutdown (FLC)........:disabled
wavelength select...........:n-1 [lo wlen]
CDR control and status:
loss of lock................:yes
loss of lock enable.........:disabled
SerDes control and status:
diags loop back.............:disabled
line loop back..............:disabled
GE handler control and status:
loss of sync................:no
loss of sync enable.........:disabled
FC/ESCON handler control and status:
loss of sync................:no
loss of sync enable.........:disabled
SONET handler control and status:
loss of frame...............:yes
severely errored frame......:yes
LOF enable..................:disabled
SEF enable..................:disabled
TableA-11 show controllers Command Field Descriptions for Transparent Interfaces
Field Description
Optics control and status: Shows control and status information for the optical components in
the interface.
LSC indication Shows laser safety control status (valid only on wave interfaces).
trunk laser failure alarm Shows the status of the trunk laser alarm. The values are:
clearno failure
LSC indication enable Indicates whether laser safety control has been enabled (valid only on
wave interfaces).