Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
APS Commands
aps message-channel
To configure message channel for the Cisco ONS 15530 to send APS channel protocol messages, use the
aps message-channel command. To revert to the default behavior, use the no form of this command.
aps message-channel {auto-select [far-end group-name name] |
inband dcc [far-end group-name name] | ip far-end group-name name ip-address ip-address
| osc [far-end group-name name]}
no aps message-channel
Syntax Description
Defaults auto-select with no APS group name
Command Modes APS configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines The APS channel protocol communicates between nodes over the OSC or over the in-band message
channel ethernetdcc interface.
The auto-select option automatically selects the transport channel to send the APS protocol messag es
attempting to use the in-band message channel first and then the OSC if the in-band message channel is
not available. If neither the in-band message channel nor the OSC is available for the APS group, you
must configure the message channel using the ip option.
Note We recommend that you configure the name for the APS group on the remote node. The APS channel
protocol lookup process functions more efficiently when the group nam e is pr ovided.
auto-select APS automatically selects a transport mechanism to send APS
far-end group-name name Specifies the APS group name for the channel at the remote node.
inband dcc Specifies APS to use the in-band message channel for sending APS
ip Specifies APS messages are sent over IP. APS addresses the
messages to a specified group name on the remote node identified
by this ip address. Use this option for APS groups that terminate on
a shelf in a multiple shelf node that does not support the OSC or
in-band message channel.
ip-address ip-address Specifies the IP address to use to send the APS channel protocol
osc APS messages are sent on the OSC.
Release Modification
12.1(10)EV2 This command was introduced.