Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EV2
Chapter2 Before You Begin
Interface Naming Conventions

Thru Interfaces

The thru interface is the interface on the OADM module that sends the DWDM signal to, or receives it
from, another OADM module without altering it. It represents the pairs of fibers (Tx and R x) on the front
panel of an OADM module. The thru interface connects to the th ru int erfac e on t he OADM m odule in
the other subslot on the same chassis, or to a wdm interface on an OADM module on another chassis in
the same network node.
The naming convention for thru interfaces is as follows:
thru slot/subcard
OSC Card Interfaces
The optional OSC provides out-of-band management communications among the Cisco O NS 15530
systems in a network. The OSC is separate from the 32data channels. The OSC card has one interface,
the wave interface.

Wave Interfaces

The wave interface corresponds to the laser on the OSC card that generates the channel. The shelf can
have up to two OSCs in the OSC motherboard, one per OADM module.
The naming convention for the OSC interface on an OADM module is as follows:
wave slot/subcard
CPU Switch Module Interfaces
The CPU switch modules have two types of interfaces:
NME (network management Ethernet) interfaces
Auxiliary port interfaces

NME Interfaces

Each CPU switch module has a Fast Ethernet interface, called an NME, for network management
purposes. The NME interface on the active CPU switch module is named fastethernet0 and the NME
interface on the standby CPU switch module is named as fastethernet-sby0.
Each NME interface has a unique MAC address. Also, you must configure ea ch NM E i nte rface w ith a
unique IP address. After a processor switchover, when the standby CPU switch module takes over as
active, the IP and MAC addresses of the standby CPU switch module are reinitialized to those of the
active CPU switch module.
Note Network management system sessions and Telnet sessions are allowed on the NME interface on the
active CPU switch module (fastethernet 0) but not allowed on the NME interface on the standby CPU
switch module (fastethernet-sby 0).