Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EV2
Chapter2 Before You Begin
Interface Naming Conventions

Transparent Interfaces

The transparent interfaces are located on the front panel of the transponder li ne cards. The inter face does
not terminate the protocol, hence the term transparent. Also, transparent applies to transparency with
regard to networking protocols. The transparent interface connects to the wave interface on the
backplane side of the transponder line card.
The naming convention for the transparent interfaces is as follows:
transparent slot/subcard/port
Each transponder line card has one transparent interface.

Wave Interfaces

The wave interface corresponds to the laser on the tr an spo nde r line card that generates the channel. The
wave interface electrically connects to the transparent interface on the fr ont panel and o ptically c onnects
to two wavepatch interfaces on a splitter card, or to one wavepatch interface on a nonsplitte r card, on the
ITU side.
The naming convention for wave interfaces is as follows:
wave slot/subcard
Each transponder line card has one wave interface.
Wavepatch Interfaces
The wavepatch interface is the interface on the front panel that connects to the filter interfaces on the
OADM modules. The wave interfaces on t he b ack p lan e s id e o f th e tra ns po nd er l i ne c ards connect to the
wavepatch interfaces.
Splitter transponder line cards have two wavepatch interfaces. Nonsplitter transponder line cards have
only one wavepatch interface.
The wavepatch interface operational state reflects the operational state of the corresponding wave
interface. If the wave interfaces are operationally down, the corresponding wavepatch interfaces are
operationally down. Conversely, if the wave interfaces are operationally up, then the wavepatch
interfaces are up. However, the administrative states of the wave and wavepatch interfaces are
independently tracked.
The naming convention for wavepatch interfaces is as follows:
wavepatch slot/subcard/port
OADM Module Interfaces
The OADM modules can have four types of interfaces:
Filter interfaces
Oscfilter interfaces
Wdm interfaces
Thru interfaces
Figure 2-6 shows the interfaces for the OADM module.