Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EV2
Chapter7 Configuring APS
Clearing Switchovers and Lockouts
Displaying Switchover and Lockout Request Status
To display a pending switchover request, use the following command in privileged EXEC mode:
The following example shows how to display the switchover request status on an APS group:
Switch# show aps group blue
APS Group yellow:
architecture.: 1+1, remote prov: 1+1
span.........: end-to-end (client side y-cable)
direction....: prov: uni, current: uni, remote prov: uni
revertive....: no
msg-channel..: auto (up on osc)
created......: 15 hours, 1 minute
aps state....: associated (enabled)
request timer: holddown: 5000 ms, max: 15000 ms, count 2
transmit k1k2: reverse-request, 1, 1, 1+1, bi
receive k1k2: forced-switch, 1, 1, 1+1, bi
switched chan: 0
channel ( 0): Transparent4/0/0 (STANDBY - UP), Wave4/0 (UP)
: channel request: lockout-of-protection
: transmit request: lockout-of-protection
: receive request: no-request
channel ( 1): Transparent2/0/0 (ACTIVE - UP), Wave2/0 (UP)
: channel request: no-request
: switchover count: 0
: last switchover: never
Clearing Switchovers and Lockouts A lockout stays in effect until the system reboots. A forced or manual switchover request stays in effect
until the system reboots or a higher priority request preempts it. You can manually clear these requests
from the CLI.
To clear an APS switchover or lockout request, use the following privileged EXEC command:
The following example shows how to clear the requests on an asso ciated interface pair using the default
group name:
Switch# aps clear blue
Command Purpose
show aps [detail | group name | interface
{transparent slot/subcard/0 |
wavepatchslot/subcard/port | waveethernet phy
Displays the APS configuration for interfaces and
Note Group names are case sensitive.
Command Purpose
aps clear group-name Clears APS switch request or lockout on an associated
interface pair.