Service Tests and Utilities

2The Front Panel will show the 1. Scan Axis submenu.

3In the Scan Axis submenu, scroll to PRS and press OK to start the test.

The Printer will start the Scan Axis subsystem Common Initialization and PRS test initialization. If there is a Failure at any point during the tests, the Front Panel will display the relevant System Error Code. To trouble shoot any displayed error codes, see System Error Codes - Full Descriptions on page 2- 7.

4The printer then starts the PRS test to verify the subsystem. As the test executes the Front Panel displays the following messages:

„Starting Horsburgh and Mips.

„Starting Nvm.

„Starting Tests PWM.

„Starting Tests GPIO.

„Booting up the Carriage.

„Starting SVS Motor.

„Starting Carriage Motor.

„Starting PpsMotor.

„Starting Service Station.

„Starting Scan Axis.

„Moving SVS out of Scan.

„Homing Scan Axis.

„Move Carriage out of SVS.

„Starting Servicing Services.

„Reading PRS Position.

„Moving PRS position to HIGH.

„Moving PRS position to LOW.

„Moving PRS position to HIGH.

„Moving PRS position to HIGH.

„Moving PRS position to LOW.

„Moving PRS position to LOW.

„Moving PRS position to HIGH.


HP Designjet T Series — Service Manual