Service Tests (Diagnostics)

If there is a Failure at any point during the tests, the Front Panel will display the relevant System Error Code. To trouble shoot any displayed error codes, see System Error Codes - Full Descriptions on page 2-7.

2The Rewinder test starts and the front Panel displays the following messages:

„Starting Horsburgh.

„Starting Nvm

„Accessing Nvm

„Starting PWM ManagerLuna

„Starting ENC ManagerLuna

„Setting encoder position

3The Front Panel prompts you to make sure the media is unloaded and the spindle is removed.

4Remove the media from the printer.

5Remove the spindle from the spindle holders.

6Press any key to continue.

7The Front Panel displays the following messages and results:

„Moving Rewinder Forward

„Moving Rewinder Backward

8The Front Panel shows the test complete display for a few seconds.

9The Front Panel prompts you to shutdown the printer to complete the test.

10Press any key to shutdown the printer.

HP Designjet T Series — Service Manual
