Service Utilities

7When the following message appears on the Front Panel, you must select whether you want to continue and completely erase of the Hard Disk Drive by pressing Enter. Press Back or Cancel to exit the utility.

8The erase process starts and the Front Panel shows a setup progress bar.

9The printer reboots into the Disk Wipe mode, and continues with the disk erase until it is completed.

Do NOT interrupt this process. All Front Panel buttons are disabled while printer erases the HDD.

When the process is completed, it will normally be necessary to update the printer’s firmware with the latest available version, since the Erase method may have installed an outdated version of the firmware.

11. SNMP

The purpose of this test is to enable/disable the SNMP counter on the printer. These counters are required to use the HP pay per use functionality.

1In the Service Utilities submenu, scroll to "SNMP" and press OK.

HP Designjet T Series — Service Manual
