Chapter 3 Peak Detection and Labeling

If the expected higher theoretical peak masses and areas are present in the peak list:

• The peak in question is considered to be a monoisotopic




• The intensities of the higher mass peaks that correspond


to the expected isotope ratios are combined with the


intensity of the peak in question (additional intensity that


may be related to a contaminant or an overlapping


isotope envelope is not combined, and will be evaluated


in the next iteration).


• The peak in question is represented in the trace as a


centroid bar with increased amplitude. The total intensity


of the centroid bar represents the total area of each fitted





If the expected higher theoretical peak masses and areas are


not present in the peak list, the peak in question is


represented in the trace as a centroid bar with its original



Figure 3-17illustrates how peaks that are and peaks that are


not part of an isotope cluster are represented in a deisotoped




When to use For most applications, particularly peptide analysis, the



deisotoping function yields more useful results than


monoisotopic peak filtering (described in Section 3.3.4,


Sorting, Filtering, and Printing the Peak List) because the


deisotoping function:


• Can successfully identify the monoisotopic peaks in


overlapping clusters.


• Does not consider noise peaks that exhibit the mass, but


not the area of an expected isotope peak.


• Amplifies the intensity of monoisotopic masses at high


m/z (due to contribution from other peaks in the cluster),


which allows the peak detection thresholds to eliminate


chemical noise without eliminating the high m/z peaks of


interest, enables improved peak matching in calibration,


and provides better results in database searching (which


relies on monoisotopic masses).

3-46 Applied Biosystems