

You can display extracted chromatograms from Mariner data


files by selecting the Process menu with a Chromatogram


window displayed, then selecting:




To display



Extracted Ion—

Extracted Ion Chromatogram (XIC), which includes only the

Center Window

signal response from a mass window or range. For more

or Range

information, see Section 4.2.1, Creating an Extracted Ion


Chromatogram (XIC).



Extracted Ion—

Constant Neutral Loss chromatogram, which extracts only the

Neutral Loss

response from peaks that are separated by a selected mass


difference. For more information, see Section 4.2.2, Creating a


Constant Neutral Loss (CNL) Chromatogram.




Extracted Absorbance Chromatogram, which includes only the


response from a specified wavelength window or range. For


more information, see Section 4.3, Creating an Extracted


Absorbance Chromatogram (XAC) (Mariner Data Only).



Types of Voyager data

Voyager chromatograms can optionally be displayed for multispectrum .DAT files. To display a Voyager chromatogram, select Restore Chromatogram from the View menu. For more information, see Section 2.1.3, Displaying Voyager


If you have a chromatogram displayed, you can display the following type of Voyager data by selecting Traces from the View menu, then selecting:


To display




Total Ion Chromatogram, which includes the entire mass range


saved in the data file. Each data point represents the sum of all ion


intensities in the corresponding spectrum.



Data ExplorerSoftware User’s Guide
