Customizing the Data Explorer Window

1.4 Customizing the


Data Explorer Window




This section includes:

Setting default values

Customizing Graphic and Processing settings

Customizing toolbars

1.4.1Setting Default Values

You can set defaults for most dialog boxes in the Data Explorer software by setting a value or selecting a button, closing the dialog box, then closing the data file you are viewing.

The next time you open the dialog box, the last settings specified are displayed.

1.4.2Customizing Processing and Graphic Settings (.SET)

This section includes:

Overview of processing and graphic settings

What settings contain

Default processing and graphic settings

Default graphic settings

Customizing settings saved in a data file

Making a copy of default .SET files before customizing

Opening, customizing, and saving .SET files

Applying a .SET file

Data ExplorerSoftware User’s Guide
