Peak Labeling

6.To manually enter label settings, click .

The User Label Entry dialog box is displayed (Figure 3-24).

Figure 3-24 User Label Entry Dialog Box (Spectrum)

7.Set the following parameters:




Spectrum Parameter







Text of the label to display.







Peak Mass (if Label Type selected

Mass of the peak to which the label applies.




is Mass)







Mass Difference (if Label Type

Difference in mass that must exist between



selected is Difference)

peaks to apply user labels.





Mass Tolerance

Mass tolerance that the peak must occur




within to apply user labels.



NOTE: If a peak meets the criteria for more



than one user label, multiple user labels are



applied to the peak and are separated by








Charge State

Charge state that the peak must have in




order to apply user labels.






Data ExplorerSoftware User’s Guide
