Glossary of Terms
50003510 Revision A 241
Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)
Station message detail recording (SMDR) records and prints out the details of incoming and
outgoing trunk calls in the SX-200 EL/ML system. Such details include the numbers of all
parties involved in the call, the time and duration of each call, account codes and other pertinent
Store and Forward Dialing
See Overlap Outpulsing, page 239.
SX-200 EL/ML System
The SX-200 EL or SX-200 ML system is a microprocessor-controlled telephone system that
handles both voice and data switching. The system hardware is electrically compatible with
most single line telephones, MITELĀ® proprietary sets, key telephone systems, telephone
systems, and central office exchanges.
Synchronous Mode
This term is associated with data which is transmitted in a continuous stream at a fixed rate,
with the receiving terminal synchronized to the transmitting terminal by means of elements
transmitted on a regular basis. See also Asynchronous Mode, page 230.
System Configuration
The particular hardware and software initially installed for the system. Any subsequent
additions, deletions and any other changes which occur result in a new system configuration
being created. The listing of hardware and software items which comprise the current system
configuration can be obtained on command from the maintenance terminal.
System Fail Transfer (SFT)
The system fail transfer feature allows selected stations of the system (or portions of the system,
according to the type of outage), to be transferred to certain trunks. Such transfer action is
automatic in the event of a failure of the main power supply.
Tandem Trunking
Tandem trunking describes the facility of transparently switching co-located trunks together at
the SX-200 EL/ML system. This type of switching is subject to digit modification, and the
parameters programmed during CDE for the interconnection restrictions table.
An abbreviation of tel(ephone) co(mpany).
Terminal Hunting
Terminal hunting starts at the first extension in the hunt group and terminates at the first idle
extension found. Hunting takes place in the order in which the extensions were programmed
into the hunt group.