SX-200 General Information Guide
46 Revision A 50003510
Control Triple CIM Card - provides three copper interface module circuits. The card also has
a connector for a FIM II so that a FIM II may be used in place of one of the CIM circuits. The
card may be used for an SX-200 EL system or an SX-200 ML system; the technican sets a
manual switch so the card may emulate a Dual or Triple FIM Carrier card.
Copper Interface Module (CIM) - supports the transmission of voice and data signals over
copper cables that provide connectivity between the main control cabinet and the peripheral
cabinets. The CIM uses a twisted pair interface with standard Category 5 cable. The CIM is
similar to the FIM in the way that it provides 3 ST links. In a main control cabinet, the CIM plugs
onto the PRI card. In a peripheral cabinet, the CIM plugs onto the BCC III, Peripheral Interface
Module Carrier card, or the PRI card. The CIM supports connectivity of cabinets up to 30 meters
or 100 feet apart. The copper interface modules are ideal for a co-located system.
FIM II - supports the transmission of voice and data signals over fiber optic cables that provide
connectivity between the main control cabinet and the peripheral cabinets. In a main control
cabinet, the FIM II plugs onto the Control Triple CIM card. In a peripheral cabinet, the FIM II
plugs onto the BCC III or Peripheral Interface Module Carrier card. The FIM II modules are
available with ranges of 1 km, 5 km, and 14 km. A FIM II can attach to a FIM as long as the
fiber interface module at each end of the fiber cable is the same distance.
PRI Card - provides one or two links of ISDN connectivity with the T1/E1 module that is installed
on the PRI card.The PRI card requires LIGHTWARE 17 Release 4.0 or greater and a SX-200
ELx cabinet Rev 4.4 or greater ( PN 9109-600-002-NA).The PRI card in a SX-200 ML system
connects directly into the backplane of the main control cabinet.
T1/E1 Module - contains two digital trunk connections which can be configured as either having
a T1 style interface (1.544Mbits/s) or an E1 style interface (2.048Mbits/s).The SX-200 only
uses the T1 style interface.The two T1 connections, also referred to as circuits or links, support
48 channels.The T1/E1 module can be programmed for Extended Superframe (ESF) and has
Channel Service Unit (CSU) functionality. The T1/E1 module is installed on the PRI card to
provide PRI connectivity or on the Bay Control Card III providing all the features and functionality
of the T1 card with 48 channels.
Peripheral Interface Cards - interface trunks and peripheral devices, such as telephones,
SUPERSET telephones, and datasets into the system. Up to eight Peripheral Interface Cards
(PICs) can be installed in Slots 1 to 8. PICs are described later in this Section.
Bay Power Supply - provides required voltages to peripheral cards, control cards, and system
peripheral devices.
Backplane - the Main Control Card III, the Bay Control Card, the PRI card, the Bay Power
Supply, and the eight Peripheral Interface Cards plug into connectors on the backplane.