This section explains settings for reception and forwarding. Touch the [Fax Data Receive/Forward] key and configure the settings.
These settings can be configured when the Internet fax expansion kit is installed.
Reception Start
The machine will connect to your mail server (POP3 server) and check for received Internet faxes. If you have received Internet faxes, the faxes will be retrieved and printed.
To use this function, POP3 server settings must be configured. Configure these settings in the screen that appears when [Application Settings] - [Internet Fax Settings] is selected in the Web page menu.
Manual Reception Key in Initial Screen
This displays the
Forward Received Data
When the machine cannot print because it is out of paper or out of toner, received faxes can be forwarded to another Internet fax machine.
• A forwarding address is stored in "Set Address for Data Forwarding" in the system settings (administrator).
• If forwarding was not successful because the transmission was canceled or a communication error occurred, the faxes that were to be forwarded will return to the print queue on the machine.
•If the initial pages of a fax were successfully printed, only those pages that were not printed will be forwarded.
•Forwarding is not possible if no faxes were received or a forwarding fax number is not programmed.
•If "Hold Setting for Received Data Print" is enabled in the system settings (administrator), you will be prompted to enter the passcode. Enter the correct password with the numeric keys.
To cancel forwarding...
Press the [JOB STATUS] key, and then cancel the forwarding job in the same way as a transmission job.