

Point to check






Transmission does


Does the job status screen (completed

Perform the transmission again.

not take place.


jobs) or a transaction report indicate that

If the transmission is still not successful after recalling is



the transmission was not successful?

performed as set in "Recall in Case of Line Busy" or




"Recall in Case of Communication Error", the




transmission failure will be indicated in the job status




screen and the transaction report.




System Settings (Administrator) > "Image Send




Settings" > "Fax Settings" > "Fax Send Settings" >




"Recall in Case of Line Busy"




System Settings (Administrator) > "Image Send




Settings" > "Fax Settings" > "Fax Send Settings" >




"Recall in Case of Communication Error"







Are the sub-address and passcode

Check with the operator of the other machine to make



correct? (When using F-code

sure that the sub-address and passcode are correct.











Is "Fax Dest. Confirmation Mode"

When "Fax Dest. Confirmation Mode" is enabled, a

transmission is not


enabled in the system settings

broadcast transmission that includes fax destinations




cannot be performed. (Group keys and program keys




that include fax destinations cannot be selected.) Also, it

Transmission is not



is not possible to perform a broadcast transmission

possible using the



using the speaker. Check with your administrator.





The transmitted fax





Is the original placed face up or face

When using the document glass, the original must be

prints out blank at the


down correctly?

placed face down. When using the automatic document

receiving side.



feeder, the original must be placed face up. Place the




original correctly and send the fax again.







If the receiving machine is using thermal

Check with the operator of the other machine.



paper, was the thermal paper loaded




with the wrong side out?


The transmitted fax is





Has image rotation been enabled?

When "Rotation Sending Setting" is not enabled (the

reduced by the



image is not rotated), an original placed in the vertical

receiving fax machine.



orientation may be reduced by the receiving machine.




Enable "Rotation Sending Settings" before








System Settings (Administrator) > "Image Send




Settings" > "Fax Settings" > "Fax Send Settings" >




"Rotation Sending Setting" >





Problems related to reception



Point to check






Printing does not take


Has cut-off printing been disabled in the

If "Print Actual Size Cut off Disabled" is enabled in "Print

place after reception.


system settings (administrator)?

Style Setting" in the system settings (administrator) and




a fax is received that is larger than any paper that is




loaded, the fax will be received to memory without being




printed. (However, when a fax longer than




11" x 17" (A3) size is received, it will be printed using




multiple sheets of paper.)




Load the same size of paper as the received fax.