USB Register Definition 16.17. E0CSR: USB0 Endpoint0 Control
R/W | R/W | R/W | R | R/W | R/W | R/W | R |
Bit7 | Bit6 | Bit5 | Bit4 | Bit3 | Bit2 | Bit1 | Bit0 |
Reset Value
USB Address:
| 0x11 |
Bit7: | SSUEND: Serviced Setup End |
| Write: Software should set this bit to ‘1’ after servicing a Setup End (bit SUEND) event. |
| Hardware clears the SUEND bit when software writes ‘1’ to SSUEND. |
| Read: This bit always reads ‘0’. |
Bit6: | SOPRDY: Serviced OPRDY |
| Write: Software should write ‘1’ to this bit after servicing a received Endpoint0 packet. The |
| OPRDY bit will be cleared by a write of ‘1’ to SOPRDY. |
| Read: This bit always reads ‘0’. |
Bit5: | SDSTL: Send Stall |
| Software can write ‘1’ to this bit to terminate the current transfer (due to an error condition, |
| unexpected transfer request, etc.). Hardware will clear this bit to ‘0’ when the STALL hand- |
| shake is transmitted. |
Bit4: | SUEND: Setup End |
| Hardware sets this |
| written ‘1’ to the DATAEND bit. Hardware clears this bit when software writes ‘1’ to |
Bit3: | DATAEND: Data End |
| Software should write ‘1’ to this bit: |
| 1. When writing ‘1’ to INPRDY for the last outgoing data packet. |
| 2. When writing ‘1’ to INPRDY for a |
| 3. When writing ‘1’ to SOPRDY after servicing the last incoming data packet. |
| This bit is automatically cleared by hardware. |
Bit2: | STSTL: Sent Stall |
| Hardware sets this bit to ‘1’ after transmitting a STALL handshake signal. This flag must be |
| cleared by software. |
Bit1: | INPRDY: IN Packet Ready |
| Software should write ‘1’ to this bit after loading a data packet into the Endpoint0 FIFO for |
| transmit. Hardware clears this bit and generates an interrupt under either of the following |
| conditions: |
| 1. The packet is transmitted. |
| 2. The packet is overwritten by an incoming SETUP packet. |
| 3. The packet is overwritten by an incoming OUT packet. |
Bit0: | OPRDY: OUT Packet Ready |
| Hardware sets this |
| received. This bit is cleared only when software writes ‘1’ to the SOPRDY bit. |
Rev. 0.5 | 183 |