SFR Definition 21.13. TMR3CN: Timer 3 Control
R/W | R/W | R/W | R/W | R/W | R/W | R/W | R/W | Reset Value |
TF3H | TF3L | TF3LEN | T3CE | T3SPLIT | TR3 | T3CSS | T3XCLK |
Bit7 | Bit6 | Bit5 | Bit4 | Bit3 | Bit2 | Bit1 | Bit0 |
SFR Address:
| 0x91 |
Bit7: | TF3H: Timer 3 High Byte Overflow Flag. |
| Set by hardware when the Timer 3 high byte overflows from 0xFF to 0x00. In 16 bit mode, |
| this will occur when Timer 3 overflows from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. When the Timer 3 interrupt is |
| enabled, setting this bit causes the CPU to vector to the Timer 3 interrupt service routine. |
| TF3H is not automatically cleared by hardware and must be cleared by software. |
Bit6: | TF3L: Timer 3 Low Byte Overflow Flag. |
| Set by hardware when the Timer 3 low byte overflows from 0xFF to 0x00. When this bit is |
| set, an interrupt will be generated if TF3LEN is set and Timer 3 interrupts are enabled. TF3L |
| will set when the low byte overflows regardless of the Timer 3 mode. This bit is not automat- |
| ically cleared by hardware. |
Bit5: | TF3LEN: Timer 3 Low Byte Interrupt Enable. |
| This bit enables/disables Timer 3 Low Byte interrupts. If TF3LEN is set and Timer 3 inter- |
| rupts are enabled, an interrupt will be generated when the low byte of Timer 3 overflows. |
| This bit should be cleared when operating Timer 3 in |
| 0: Timer 3 Low Byte interrupts disabled. |
| 1: Timer 3 Low Byte interrupts enabled. |
Bit4: | T3CE: Timer 3 Capture Enable |
| 0: Capture function disabled. |
| 1: Capture function enabled. The timer is in capture mode, with the capture event selected |
| by bit T3CSS. Each time a capture event is received, the contents of the Timer 3 registers |
| (TMR3H and TMR3L) are latched into the Timer 3 reload registers (TMR3RLH and |
| TMR3RLH), and a Timer 3 interrupt is generated (if enabled). |
Bit3: | T3SPLIT: Timer 3 Split Mode Enable. |
| When this bit is set, Timer 3 operates as two |
| 0: Timer 3 operates in |
| 1: Timer 3 operates as two |
Bit2: | TR3: Timer 3 Run Control. |
| This bit enables/disables Timer 3. In |
| TMR3L is always enabled in this mode. |
| 0: Timer 3 disabled. |
| 1: Timer 3 enabled. |
Bit1: | T3CSS: Timer 3 Capture Source Select. |
| This bit selects the source of a capture event when bit T3CE is set to ‘1’. |
| 0: Capture source is USB SOF event. |
| 1: Capture source is rising edge of |
Bit0: | T3XCLK: Timer 3 External Clock Select. |
| This bit selects the external clock source for Timer 3. If Timer 3 is in |
| selects the external oscillator clock source for both timer bytes. However, the Timer 3 Clock |
| Select bits (T3MH and T3ML in register CKCON) may still be used to select between the |
| external clock and the system clock for either timer. |
| 0: Timer 3 external clock selection is the system clock divided by 12. |
| 1: Timer 3 external clock selection is the external clock divided by 8. Note that the external |
| oscillator source divided by 8 is synchronized with the system clock. |
Rev. 0.5 | 261 |