USB Register Definition 16.8. POWER: USB0 Power
R/W | R/W | R/W | R/W | R/W | R/W | R | R/W | Reset Value |
Bit7 | Bit6 | Bit5 | Bit4 | Bit3 | Bit2 | Bit1 | Bit0 |
USB Address:
| 0x01 |
Bit7: | ISOUD: ISO Update |
| This bit affects all IN Isochronous endpoints. |
| 0: When software writes INPRDY = ‘1’, USB0 will send the packet when the next IN token is |
| received. |
| 1: When software writes INPRDY = ‘1’, USB0 will wait for a SOF token before sending the |
| packet. If an IN token is received before a SOF token, USB0 will send a |
| packet. |
Unused. Read = 00b. Write = don’t care. | |
Bit4: | USBINH: USB0 Inhibit |
| This bit is set to ‘1’ following a |
| Bit3: RESET). Software should clear this bit after all USB0 and transceiver initialization is |
| complete. Software cannot set this bit to ‘1’. |
| 0: USB0 enabled. |
| 1: USB0 inhibited. All USB traffic is ignored. |
Bit3: | USBRST: Reset Detect |
| Writing ‘1’ to this bit forces an asynchronous USB0 reset. Reading this bit provides bus reset |
| status information. |
| Read: |
| 0: Reset signaling is not present on the bus. |
| 1: Reset signaling detected on the bus. |
Bit2: | RESUME: Force Resume |
| Software can force resume signaling on the bus to wake USB0 from suspend mode. Writing |
| a ‘1’ to this bit while in Suspend mode (SUSMD = ‘1’) forces USB0 to generate Resume sig- |
| naling on the bus (a remote Wakeup event). Software should write RESUME = ‘0’ after |
| 10 ms to15 ms to end the Resume signaling. An interrupt is generated, and hardware clears |
| SUSMD, when software writes RESUME = ‘0’. |
Bit1: | SUSMD: Suspend Mode |
| Set to ‘1’ by hardware when USB0 enters suspend mode. Cleared by hardware when soft- |
| ware writes RESUME = ‘0’ (following a remote wakeup) or reads the CMINT register after |
| detection of Resume signaling on the bus. |
| 0: USB0 not in suspend mode. |
| 1: USB0 in suspend mode. |
Bit0: | SUSEN: Suspend Detection Enable |
| 0: Suspend detection disabled. USB0 will ignore suspend signaling on the bus. |
| 1: Suspend detection enabled. USB0 will enter suspend mode if it detects suspend signaling |
| on the bus. |
Rev. 0.5 | 175 |