5.3.Modes of Operation
ADC0 has a maximum conversion speed of 200 ksps. The ADC0 conversion clock is a divided version of the system clock, determined by the AD0SC bits in the ADC0CF register (system clock divided by (AD0SC + 1) for 0 ≤ AD0SC ≤ 31).
5.3.1. Starting a Conversion
A conversion can be initiated in one of five ways, depending on the programmed states of the ADC0 Start of Conversion Mode bits
1.Writing a ‘1’ to the AD0BUSY bit of register ADC0CN
2.A Timer 0 overflow (i.e., timed continuous conversions)
3.A Timer 2 overflow
4.A Timer 1 overflow
5.A rising edge on the CNVSTR input signal
6.A Timer 3 overflow
Writing a ‘1’ to AD0BUSY provides software control of ADC0 whereby conversions are performed
Important Note About Using CNVSTR: The CNVSTR input pin also functions as a Port pin. When the CNVSTR input is used as the ADC0 conversion source, the associated Port pin should be skipped by the Digital Crossbar. To configure the Crossbar to skip a pin, set the corresponding bit in the PnSKIP register to ‘1’. See Section “15. Port Input/Output” on page 147 for details on Port I/O configuration.
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