ATM Addresses Port Table 133
Add ATM Address to
Port Add an ATM address to the list of registered ATM addresses at a port.
Enter the port number and ATM address. Use this command, for
example, with devices that do not support ILMI; you must add ATM
addresses manually to interface with such devices.
Command Actions
Command Result
Enter: 3 4 2 2 5.1.2*
The following message is displayed.
ATM address was successfully set.
Enter the menu sequence: (3) CON: Connections
(4) S&C: Setup of Connections and ATM
(2) STP: Static ATM Addresses Setup
(2) ADD: Add ATM Address
Enter a parameter at the prompt
Parameter Format or Range
Port ID <>
ATM address 19 bytes - When fewer: end with '.*'
Direct access sequence: 3 4 2 2 [parameters]
System action taken: Specified ATM address is added to specifie d port.
System message display: ATM address was successfully set.