Switch Security 325
Switch Security Enables or disables the LEC admission security status for the switch for
the current session.
Command Actions
Command Result
Enter: 2 3 3 2 2
The new LEC admission security status for the switch is displayed as
Security on switch now ENABLED
Any LEC currently in operational state will remain so unless
it is restarted.
Enter menu sequence: (2) LEM: LAN Emulation
(3) SEC: LE Security Configuration
(3) SWS: Switch security
(2) SST: Set switch security state
Enter a parameter at the prompt
Parameter Format or Range
Enable/disable state 1 to enable
2 to disable
Direct access sequence: 2 3 3 2 [parameters]
System action taken: The LEC admission security status for the switch is
enabled or disabled.
System message display: Security on switch now ENABLED
Any LEC currently in operational state
will remain so unless it is restarted.