Example — Display all Connections at a Port
Enter: 3 3 1 1.1.1 a 0
Multiple ATM addresses at the port 1.1.1 are displayed where ea ch ATM address has multiple SVCs defined by their VPI/VCI va lues.
Conn Call Port Member Conn Conn Oper Admin Originator CLP
number number number number type VPI/VCI status status
---- ---- ------- ------ ------- ------- -------- -------- --------
2697 1185 <1.1.1> 11102 SVC,P2P 0/ 46 Active Active Calling N
2732 488 <1.1.1> 11102 SVC,P2M 0/ 60 Active Active Called N
2743 1201 <1.1.1> 11102 SVC,P2P 0/ 69 Active Active Calling N
2762 965 <1.1.1> 11102 SVC,P2M 0/ 80 Active Active Called N
2831 1239 <1.1.1> 11102 SVC,P2P 0/109 Active Active Calling N
2836 1241 <1.1.1> 11102 SVC,P2P 0/111 Active Active Called N
2977 1312 <1.1.1> 11102 SVC,P2P 0/160 Active Active Calling N
2983 1315 <1.1.1> 11102 SVC,P2P 0/162 Active Active Calling N
2989 1318 <1.1.1> 11102 SVC,P2P 0/164 Active Active Calling N
2995 1321 <1.1.1> 11102 SVC,P2P 0/166 Active Active Calling N
2695 1184 <1.1.1> 11103 SVC,P2P 0/ 45 Active Active Calling N
2731 522 <1.1.1> 11103 SVC,P2M 0/ 59 Active Active Called N
2738 1200 <1.1.1> 11103 SVC,P2P 0/ 63 Active Active Calling N
Press ENTER to continue or 'x'ENTER to exit...
2761 966 <1.1.1> 11103 SVC,P2M 0/ 79 Active Active Called N
2840 1243 <1.1.1> 11103 SVC,P2P 0/112 Active Active Called N
2849 1248 <1.1.1> 11103 SVC,P2P 0/117 Active Active Calling N
3001 1324 <1.1.1> 11103 SVC,P2P 0/168 Active Active Calling N
3007 1327 <1.1.1> 11103 SVC,P2P 0/170 Active Active Calling N
3013 1330 <1.1.1> 11103 SVC,P2P 0/172 Active Active Calling N
3069 1358 <1.1.1> 11103 SVC,P2P 0/190 Active Active Calling N