If you wish to stop a printout before it is completed, touch Cancel. This stops the print and the message "Print Cancelled" appears at the top of the display.
6Run The Run field allows you to start data acquisition. The
Subsystem Level Menus
The HP 16510B logic analyzer is configured for measurements in the Timing and State Format and Trace Specification menus. The Format menus can be accessed by touching Format 1 or 2, and the Trace menus by touching Trace 1 or 2.
The Format Specification menus let you specify how the logic analyzer groups the input channels from your microprocessor. You can set the threshold levels of the pods assigned to the analyzer, assign labels and channels, specify symbols, and, in the case of the state analyzer, set clocks for triggering.
The Trace Specification menus allow you to configure the logic analyzer to capture only the data of interest in your measurement. The logic analyzer acquires data until it triggers at a location that you specify by setting certain parameters for the data. In the timing analyzer you can configure the analyzer to trigger on specific patterns, edges, or glitches. In the state analyzer you can configure the analyzer to trigger on a sequence of states.
At power up, the logic analyzer is configured with a default setting. You can use this default setting to make a test measurement on your system. It can give you an idea of where to start your measurement.
Each of the format and trace specification menus will be covered in this chapter. For examples on setting up configurations for measurements with the timing and state analyzers, refer to your HP 16510B Getting Started Guide or chapters 7 through 9 in this manual.
HP 16510B | Menus |