Markers Pattern When the markers are set to pattern you can specify patterns that the logic analyzer will place the markers on. You can also specify how many occurrences of each marker pattern the logic analyzer looks for. This use of the markers allows you to find time between specific patterns in the acquired data.
Figure 6-6. Markers Patterns Menu
Patterns for each marker (X and O) can be specified. Patterns can be specified for both markers in each label, however, the logic analyzer can only search one label at a time. You can also specify whether the marker is placed on the pattern at the beginning of its occurrence (entering) or end of its occurrence (leaving).
Another feature of markers set to patterns is the Stop measurement when
Patterns. The options are:
∙Less than
∙Greater than
∙In range
∙Not in range
With this feature you can use the logic analyzer to look for a specified time or range of time between the marked patterns and have it stop acquiring data when it sees this time between markers (The X marker must precede the O marker).
The upper and lower range boundaries must not be the same value. For example, if you want to stop a measurement when the X and O markers are in range of 200 ns, you should set the range values to 190 ns and 210 ns. This eliminates erroneous measurement termination.
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