124 OcéTDS400 User Manual
Youcan resizethe columns in the main queuewindow by draggingthe table
headerseparators. Itis also possible to change theorder of the columns by
dragging a specific column to a new position.
Note:You can sort the in box and history. You can not sort the printer queue.
[43]Océ Queue Manager window
The Océ TDS400 Queue Manager has the following modes:
Anonymous user mode
Repro operator mode
Keyoperato r mode
Systemadministrator mode
Serviceoperator mode
Thesedifferent modes are designed to limit accessto the specific functions to
authorized users only.
Theanonymous user mode onlyoffers view accessto the queue. In this mode
thebuttons and menu items are disabled.
Therepro operator,the key operator and t he system administrator mode s allow
youto perform a numberof activities on thejobs in the queue, with the helpof
menuba r
activeprint job
statusbar inboxqueue