country2=country Specifies the second language in combination with the parameter ‘language2=language’.
Note: You must always use a matching combination of ‘lang’ and ‘country’ (see table on page 141).
Language |
Language | Language | Country |
| parameters |
Danish | da | DK |
Czech | cs | CZ |
Spanish | es | ES |
Finnish | fi | FI |
Hungarian | hu | HU |
Italian | it | IT |
US English | en | US |
UK English | en | GB |
Dutch | nl | NL |
German | de | DE |
French | fr | FR |
Portuguese | pt | PT |
Norwegian | no | NO |
Swedish | sv | SV |
Polish | pl | PL |
Chinese tradi- | cn | TW |
tional |
Chinese simpli- | cn | CN |
fied |
Japanese | ja | JP |
The parameters can be applied to the following applications:
■QM.exe (Océ Queue Manager)
■SCP.exe (Océ System Control Panel)
■SE.exe (Océ Settings Editor)
■AL.exe (Application launcher)
Note: These.exe files are usually located in ‘C:\Program Files\Remote Logic\Bin’.
Océ Power Logic®: Remote Logic | 141 |