Tableof Contents 3
Table of Contents
Aboutthis manual 10
TheO cé TDS400 12
The Océ TDS400 concept and components 13
TheOcé TDS400printer 13
TheOcé TDS400scanner 13
TheOcé Power Logic® controller 14
OcéTDS400 options 15
Océ TDS400 users 18
Userinteraction 19
Thed ata flow to the Océ TDS400 20
Using the Océ TDS400 to Print
Printeroperator panel 24
Display 25
Menulevel indicator 25
Keys 26
Howto turn on and turn off the Océ TDS400 printer 27
Cancela print 28
Menustructure 29
Media type and size on the printer 29
Manualfeed 31
Cutmedia 32
Print info 33
Print the configuration repor t 33
Printthe menu card 33
Printthe demo print 34
Printwith Océ Print Exec® Workgroup 35
Introduction 35
Options 35
Connectto Océ Print Exec® Workgroup 36
Thedocumentation set 36
Printwith Océ Repro Desk 37
Introduction 37
Thedocumentation set 37