Preference menu (continued)
Command | What does it do |
Reference | Reference displays or removes a small, usually floating window. |
| This window displays the entire current page in miniature. The |
| crossed box inside the Reference window indicates which part of |
| the page is displayed in the document window. |
| By moving or resizing the crossed box, you change which area of |
| the page is displayed. |
Detail | Displays or removes the Detail window. |
Measurement | When active, allows you to measure lines and areas on the image. |
[32] |
Help menu
Command | What does it do |
About | Shows information about Océ View Station. |
[33] |
Note: You can retrieve help about Océ View Station LT via the Océ Scan Manager.
Function buttons
Below the menu’s there are function buttons in a ribbon. This ribbon can be turned on and off (see ‘View ribbon’ on page 96).
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
[34] Function buttons in Océ View Station
The above figure displays the buttons:
1Invert: Reverses the black and white parts of the image.
2Fit: Scales the image to fill the window.
31:1: Displays the image at a 1:1 scale factor.
4Magnify: Zooms into the page.
5Reduce: Zooms out of the page.
6Mirror: Mirrors the image.
7Rotate 90 CCW: Rotates the image 90 degrees
8Rotate 90 CW: Rotates the image 90 degrees clockwise.
9Rotate 180: Rotates the image 180 degrees.
10Measurement When active, allows you to measure lines and areas on the image.
Using the Océ TDS400 to | 97 |