OcéPower Logic®: RemoteLogic 133
Installation procedure for Unix systems
Océ Remote Logic®is set up to be platform independent. It run so n a variety
ofopera ting systems providing that a Java™ runtime environmen t isavailabl e
forthat platform. The Java™ runtime environmentmust be installed by a user
with system administrator privileges, depend ing on Java™ Virtual Machine
(VM). It is also assumed that Océ Remote Logic® is installed by an
experienced user.
Install Océ Remote Logic®
1Checkif a Java™ runtime environment (JRE) is installed on the system. The
preferred version is JRE 1.1.8. Below you can find some l inks to JRE's for
various UNIX platforms.
2Unpack the contents of the file ‘RemoteLogic_vX.tar’, from the directory
Products/remotelogic/UNIX, to a subdirect ory on the system.
3Use ‘tar xvf RemoteLogic_vX.tar’ to unpack.
4Set the environment variable ‘RL_VM_HOME’ to point to th e installation of
5Runthe file ‘remotelogic’ with the applications as parameters. (e.g.
remotelogic QM SCP SE t o start the three applica tions), or use ‘remotelo gic
AL’,for the ap plication launcher.
Note:If you do not supply any options,a short help text is displayed.

UNIX versionsand t he requiredJRE

UNIXversion OS version JRE Defaultinstall ationdi rectory
IBMAIX 4.1.5 1.1.6 /usr/jdk_base
IBMAIX 4.2.1 1.1.8 /usr/jdk_base
IBMAIX 4.3.3+ fix 1.2.2 /usr/jdk_dev2
IBMAIX fix 1.3.0 /usr/jdk_java130
SUNSolaris 2.6 1.1.6
HP-UX 10.20 / 11 / 1.1.8 1.1.3
LINUX 1.0 1.1.3
LINUX 1.2 1.1.8
Note:OS = Oper ating System, JRE = Java™ Runtime Environment