230 OcéTDS400 User Manual
Thecon sistent style that is used in this manual enables you to quickly bec ome
familiarwith the use of this manual and ultimately the OcéTDS400.
Description Eachsection or subsectio n contains a description of the feature or
operationidentified in the title. It might also include possible applications,as
wellas any guidelines that youshould bear in mind.
Procedures A description is followed by a procedure. A procedure always
begins with a phrase which briefly descr ibes the procedure, followed by a
series of numbered steps that take you, step bystep , through all phases of
performingthe operation.
Figuresand tables Figures and tables are titled and numberedsequentially
throughout this manual. Figures include pictures of product c omponents,
screendumps, examples, and diagramsof concepts discussed in the
Attentiongetters There are several types of info rmation to which we draw
yourattention. This information is classified as follows:
Note:In a ‘Note’, information is given about matterswhich ensure the proper
functioning of the machine or application, but useful advice con cerning its
operation may also be given.
Attention:The information that follows ‘Attention’ is given to avoid
damage to your copy or original, the copi er or printer,da ta files, etc.
Caution:The infor mation that follows ‘Caution’ is given to prevent you
suffering personal inj ury. .