System setting | Reference on | Path in Settings Editor |
KO - System - Job man- | Select ‘Jobs in inbox’. | Océ Account Logic re- |
agement - Print jobs |
| quires that all jobs are |
| send to the ‘Inbox’. |
| Note: The print jobs that |
| have valid account |
| information are |
| automatically moved from |
| the Inbox to the Print queue. |
| Enter the account |
| information for the print |
| jobs that do not have valid |
| account information on the |
| ‘Print’ tab of Océ Account |
| Logic. |
KO - System - Job man- | Select ‘Special user’. | Océ Account Logic is a |
agement - Rights for print- |
| special user on the Océ |
ing |
| Power Logic® control- |
| ler. |
KO - Scanner - Settings - | Océ advises you to set | When the check box |
Timers - Panel timeout | the panel timeout to the | ‘The scanner locks when |
| minimum value (30 sec- | the scanner panel time- |
| onds). | out expires‘ is checked |
| in the ‘Define the ac- |
| count information re- |
| quirements for the jobs’ |
| section of the adminis- |
| tration window, the user |
| is required to unlock the |
| scanner for the copy jobs |
| and |
| The scanner locks when |
| the scanner panel time- |
| out expires. |
Note: Please consult the Océ Account Center user manual and the
148 | Océ TDS400 User Manual |